This scene always gets me. It’s from Season 5, Episode 8 aka “Marco Polo.”
Baccala casually digging at Junior by asking him if he got invited to Carmella’s dad’s surprise party, then looking on in utter DISGUST when Jooonya immediately ruins the jubilee.
Bobby experiences the same range of emotions here as when Janice forced the last tray of Karen’s ziti down his gullet. On the verge of tears. The man loves three things: Karen’s ziti, model train sets and a properly executed surprise party.
On the other end of the spectrum, Junior could not be happier to blow the lid off Carmella’s attempt at a surprise for her dad. He relished the opportunity. Could not fucking wait to get on the horn with Hugh and spill the beans. What a spiteful dick. Quintessential Joonya!
As it turned out, the call to Hugh actually set the stage for Tony & Carmella getting back together. Had Junior not intentionally ruined the surprise, Hugh never would have found out that T wasn’t invited to the jubilee, and therefore wouldn’t have insisted on the man of the house being there. Carmella reluctantly caved to her dad’s wishes, Tony was the life of the party, and they capped off the night with a little Marco Polo makeout sesh like they were back in high school. So credit to Junior for saving Tony & Carm’s marriage.
Lastly, the shit-eating grin on old Hugo’s face when Jun jokes that the biggest surprise is that they’re still alive! Buona Fortuna!