The term “earn your stripes” is defined as “to do something which shows that one deserves to be accepted and respected by the other people in a field or profession.” In the police force one can earn his or her stripes by walking a beat downtown before working their way up to lieutenant. In construction you can earn your stripes by doing all of the dirty work that nobody wants to do. And in baseball, you can earn your pinstripes by successfully fielding a ground ball for the New York Yankees.
When it comes to video games, the one true way to earn your stripes is by racking up Ws LIVE on Twitch. That, my friends, is exactly what Michael Jordan Donohue accomplished on the night of May 6, 2020. It wasn’t the first time that the sharpshooter widely known as @DonnyBabyKid1 (aka Long Hammering) and his team (including Tom Naab, Larry Tornetta and George Schwartz) have tasted victory in Call of Duty: Warzone, but “The Kid” is now doing it on the grandest stage of them all, TWITCH (and Mixer).
I won’t pretend to know the ins and outs of Warzone, though I know enough to understand that Donny Baby Kid will kill you in cold blood, finish the rest of your Mountain Dew, leave the empty bottle in the refrigerator and kiss your mother on the forehead on his way out the door. Few can acquire armor satchels with the swiftness displayed by Long Hammering. The effortlessness of it all can only be related to the sweet swing of Alex Rodriguez, back when he would send a 2-0 fastball into orbit faster than John Sterling could say, “DonRod Patchogue Gulag!”
The very best part is DonnyBabyKid1’s unfiltered greatness is all out there for the world to see now. Witness for yourself – he has officially earned his pinstripes.